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Gut Candy
10lb Bucket - $100
Feeding Rate 2oz per head/day

Necessity is said to be the mother of invention. We tried all of the potions and powders. A scoop of this and a cup of that and we couldn’t get the kind of response we were constantly seeking. We couldn’t find it so we decided to build it. . . . .
Gut Candy combines several innovative nutritional technologies aimed at what serious livestock exhibitors are constantly searching for – the winning edge that allows you to push them harder, hold them together, and get them dialed in at just the right time to hang that banner. Collectively, the digestive tract is the largest organ in the body. In the case of cattle, sheep, and goats, the rumen is the workhorse of the system and contains billions of microorganisms. It simply isn’t enough to provide all of the appropriate nutrients. It is also necessary to appropriately balance and hopefully enhance the microflora in the gut. A healthy gut means fewer metabolic challenges and less time spent off feed, more efficient use of nutrients, better digestion and nutrient absorption, and a reduced incidence of scours. Additionally, a healthy flourishing gut and microbial population is better able to ward off unwanted potentially harmful bacteria.
The effects of yeast and yeast derivatives relative to improvements in feed intake, weight gain, improved body condition, overall rumen health, and competitive inhibition of pathogenic bacteria are well documented in the scientific community. Similarly, live direct-fed microbials have been shown to improve both rumen and small intestinal function, reduce acidosis, drastically decrease harmful bacteria and enhance immune response to challenges in the gut. The addition of enzymes to the feeding program has long been shown to have the ability to improve digestibility and subsequently nutrient absorption and utilization; thereby, further reducing the potential for digestive upset in the form of acidosis, looseness, and erratic feed intake.
We are extremely proud to say that Gut Candy is rooted in sound fundamental science. With an extensive background in ruminant animal nutrition and production, we developed Gut Candy with a combination of products that possess the most robust research dossiers available.

Gut Candy. Born of necessity. Live in the winner’s circle!




On Tract
10lb Bucket - $100
Feeding Rate 2oz per head/day

The logarithmic increase in the adoption of both embryo transfer and artificial insemination in sheep and goats in the past few years and our growing involvement in reproduction programs across the country led to the development of Ontract.  The immediate success we observed with Gut Candy resulted in its framework being used as the skeleton upon which Ontract was built with some critical additions to address the nutrition and management gaps that are so often observed.
All of the pieces of the puzzle have to fit together.  Gut health and integrity, improved digestion and nutrient absorption, and fewer harmful bacteria ultimately allow your elite females to be more successful at what you’ve got them around for – reproduction!
Optimized vitamin and mineral nutrition is a critical element of successful reproductive management and has been well researched over the years.  Even more so, if you consider the demands of superovulation, the rigorous management protocols involved, and the impacts of environmental conditions and photoperiod on when we need those matrons to successfully breed.
Ontract features increased levels of the most relevant vitamins based on the latest available research and nutrient requirements.  Nutrition and reproduction studies have shown time and again for years that there are a number of minerals critical to enhanced reproductive success.  Ontract employs enhanced levels of the most proven, well researched organic trace minerals available.  Organic mineral sources have higher bioavailability and usefulness to the animal.  Females destined to produce elite show animals and next generation breeding pieces are not always being bred at the most opportune times.  Ontract contains feed additives proven to lessen the impact of stressful environmental conditions specifically with respect to heat stress.  Ontract is also designed to address the some of the limitations of seasonal breeders relative to photoperiod.
Ontract combines practical involvement in reproductive management with the available science relative to the intersection of nutrition and reproduction.




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